Friday 31 August 2007


One of the biggest attractions in Copenhagen is a park called Tivoli. It's really big and is a lot like Six Flags except that it's got nice restaurants and lots of beautiful trees and flowers.
Caleb had a blast crawling around the area for little kids.
Chris and Luke drove this boat around the pond. And, mysteriously, they only had one little fender bender. It was with a very cute little blond girl and her mother. Luke thought it was hilarious and Chris turned a few shades of red. :)
This is one place where Tivoli is very different from Six Flags. It was decorated so interestingly.....bikes and all sorts of artwork coming off the walls.
It was a fun (but expensive) day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It looks prettier than a Six Flags or is that perception your pictures. Maybe it looks more European.