Friday 31 August 2007


We drove up the eastern coast about an hour from Copenhagen to a town called Gilleleje. It was, of course, in the name of research again. There is supposed to be a rock commemorating where Kierkegaard sat and stared at the ocean (??!!!), but we never found it.
Despite that, Chris had lots of fun reminiscing about his childhood vacations at the beach. He thought this town reminded him of Grayton Beach. We had a really nice time playing near the water and being daring and walking out this really long pier.
Other than the night some new friends cooked for us, this was the best meal we had in Denmark. Fish cakes, french fries, and beer in the sunshine. And Luke had his own favorites---a hotdog and orange juice. It just doesn't get much better than this.
It was a bit cold when the wind would are Caleb and Daddy in their matching outfits.
Here we are in a tiny town with only a handful of restaurants, and 1/3 of the world away from Chicago----and yet, this is a Chicago style pizza place. It was unfortunate for us because we'd just had yummy fish cakes. How wild is it that this restaurant exists here?


Anonymous said...

I can understand why Christopher thought this town reminded him of Grayton Beach. The pizza restaurant reminded me of Grayton Cafe. Was it a deep dish pizza? I know your Mom is happy that Luke still likes his hotdogs. She really likes hot dogs, too!!


cymbeline37 said...

I know exactly where the rock is. If you take the paths by the lighthouse going towards Gilleleje, you'll find it. I grew up there.

Anonymous said...

I had trouble finding it too! had to ask a local ... a long path...