Wednesday 1 August 2007

Getting settled in........

We came to Copenhagen because Chris was granted a study desk in the Kierkegaard Centre where they have a library of the books Kierkegaard once owned and many of the 'great minds' about the philosopher/theologian. 4 days out of the 23 that we were here, Chris went to a conference that brought scholars from all over the world (including his advisor from Oxford). The centre helped find us an apartment for our time here----it belongs to a single woman who is on holiday while we take over her flat. She asked that we not wear shoes while inside. This was something Luke was very happy about. He got into a great routine of banging (and banging and banging) his shoes outside on the front step.
It wasn't the most child-friendly apartment I've ever been in, but we made do. This was our make shift high chair.
Did I mention we totally took over her flat? This was the dining room, den, and children's bedroom!
This is the kitchen where I retreated as often as possible to read Harry Potter or newspaper articles from Mary Jordan.


Anonymous said...

It's so good to click on your blog and see new stuff. The pictures are great and I know you have made some great memories. I miss you guys! Ma

Anonymous said...

Goodness, the flat was very small!! I can just see Luke going without shoes all the time. I bet he loved it.

allison said...

How did they do sharing a bedroom? And what Harry Potter are you reading? We just saw the most recent film in the theater, at the IMAX with the last 15 minutes in 3-D. It was really cool.