Tuesday 30 October 2007

Celebrating the Red Sox

We've been in baseball celebration mode around here. Luke is convinced the outcome of the world series is due to his loyal dress code the past few weeks. He has worn his Red Sox shirt every other day (and slept in it at night as well), alternating only with his Batman shirt (which also gives the Red Sox extra power, of course.)
This is not to imply that Luke really likes baseball at all. Here Chris is trying with all his might to teach Luke to hit the ball.
When successful, Luke LOVES it!!
Second swing of the day, however, is a miss......so we're back to, "It's okay. I'm still Batman. But I don't want to play anymore."
Patience is a virtue, but it is not to be found in our household. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good job for trying Luke. Patience comes with age with the Barnett family.