Thursday 6 March 2008

Dress up day at school

On Monday of this week, Luke came home very excited saying that Thursday was "dress up day." It's National Book Week in England so all children everywhere (apparently) dress up at some point this week as their favorite character from a book. Now, Luke is a book worm---loved by librarians from Crozet, VA all the way to Oxford, England and has "read" at least a million books (or so it seems to me) and who did he have to dress up as? Batman, of course!
So, here we are Monday afternoon trying on the suit to see if it's up to the standard of wearing out and to school. As you can see, it needed some work----that's tape keeping the chest part connected to the cape part.
Caleb, of course, had to join in the fun.
After some of this domestic goddess's finesse, the costume was ready (see how proud I am of having gotten out a needle and thread?! Imagine if I actually ironed something!!). Here's Luke (very tired) at the end of the nursery day with his teacher, Elaine, aka Peter Pan.
Luke and Luka (a neighbor and classmate from Japan) who are very happy their names are so similar.
Luke and Emily, aka Cinderella. Her dad and I got a good laugh about just how tired and out of it these 2 was like the let down at the end of prom. I don't know about Emily, but Luke had been up since 5 AM talking about getting his costume on and getting to school for the big "dress up day." He took a nice hour and a half nap once we got home! What a big day!!

I would've liked to get some pictures of Luke with the other boys but I couldn't corral them. There were at least 3 Batmen that I saw, 1 Spiderman, a pirate, a vampire, and a power ranger.


allison said...

Carter is so into superheroes right now and we've been trying to figure out just WHY they wear their underwear outside their pants!

allison said...

Love Caleb in the mask, by the way. :)

Anonymous said...

What fun!!!! A great repair job. I enjoyed seeing his classroom, Miss Elaine, and some of his classmates. Oh, to be young again...