Tuesday 19 February 2008

A fun day with Kaye and family

Luke, Caleb, and I drove up to see Kaye, Tim, Ella, and Zac in Bletchley today. We had such a wonderful time. Here are Caleb and Zac waiting for me to turn around so they can try to manuever the gate and sneak upstairs with the "big kids."
Kaye is so fit and trim----she and Luke were a good, even match on the seasaw!
Ella hanging out after getting dizzy.
Caleb, the swinger.
It was great fun catching up, eating lunch, and thinking about how we've become such "good, old friends" in just 2 very quick years. Kaye is the one and only person in the world who has ever seen me attempt aerobics as an adult-----she will be a friend for life after such an event that left us both crying from laughter.


Anonymous said...

You and Kaye will need to make a contract to meet for a girl's vacation in five years to catch up on the news.. maybe a tropical isle somewhere. Good friends should be treasured. They are hard to find.

allison said...

Awwww... I wish I had been there!!! Love the shot of Kaye and Luke. :)

allison said...

I just keep coming back to see the picture of Caleb and Zac. Caleb is such a BARNETT! And Zac's smile is just contagious.

Also, I'm inviting myself on your tropical isle holiday with Kaye. Just so you know.


Anonymous said...

Just so YOU know, Allison, I wouldn't go to a tropical isle without you!!!
:) SB