Saturday 19 January 2008

We thought we'd seen mud.....

So, we went out again this Saturday for another muddy walk. But this time, it was serious mud and we were much better prepared. Here we are on top of a hill at a golf course / hiking trail looking down on the city. Where you see water is normally grazing land for animals.
About 10 seconds after arriving for our hike, it started raining. Caleb had a hard time focusing on the walk with all the puddles around.
Caleb did walk a lot of the way but he had to be carried through the super squelchy mud. We knew Luke was a good walker, but he really showed his stuff today. He walked up and down hills through mud that pulled at you. He definitely gets my vote for best walker of the day.
This is just to give you an idea of what we were dealing with. And amidst the mucky mud were incredible amounts of sheep poop. At one point, Luke said, "I've never seen so much poop in all my life."
The guys waiting for me to catch up. I was least prepared with shoes that kept coming off and getting stuck in the mud.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So Luke now has become an expert on sheep poop. He can put that on his resume. Ha!!