Monday 31 December 2007

Fun visit with the Wests in Oxford

We were walking through the airport in Atlanta when Chris said, "I think that's the Wests." Sure enough, we were all on the same plane to London. After a day or so to recover from jet lag, they met us in Oxford. We had a wonderful afternoon! First we ate a traditional Sunday roast in the famous pub, The Turf Tavern. Luke enjoyed drinking Coke with Trey.

It's well known that Connie's side of the family is easy-going and lots of fun. So true. She and Susie are cousins which meant Luke was thrilled to learn he had more cousins.
It's not easy walking all over Oxford. Thank God for Trey's strong back!
Elisabeth charmed both Luke and Caleb with her beautiful smile and her sweet teacherly voice.
As if Trey's piggy backs, Elisabeth's Batman and Spiderman stories, AND the Coke wasn't enough for the afternoon with the Wests to be a major highlight in Luke's life, Luke enjoyed a hot chocolate with LOTS of marshmallows. Trey and Elisabeth gave good lessons on how to properly eat the marshmallows. The rest of us enjoyed tea and scones......another British tradition.
Maurice and Susie in front of the Regents Park College entrance. It was closed and we couldn't get in, but good to make the family connection----Maurice, then Susie, and now Chris have all been students there.
We said our good-byes and they headed back to London. Luke is still talking about his "fun, big cousins."
To the Wests: Thanks so much for treating us to a wonderful afternoon! We had a great time with you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I do have nice cousins.