Saturday 29 December 2007

First Day in Birmingham

Our first day back, we played with Cousin Reese. (She is exactly 2 weeks older than Caleb.) Luke and Reese played very nicely together. She is easy-going and very observant.
And Caleb and Reese played nicely side by side (most of the time-----when Caleb wasn't hitting her on the head with a toy).
I love this picture because it accurately shows what these first days back were like. Caleb was EXHAUSTED and just not himself (see him pouting into the couch), and Luke was loving being the oldest around and "in control." This trip was the hardest one yet because of sleep deprivation. Caleb, we have discovered, does not do so well with change. He had a hard time sleeping in a new place and woke everyone in the house up almost every 2 or 3 hours. He did finally get better the week before we headed back to England. (Of course!)

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