Sunday 25 November 2007

Thanksgiving Round 2

While in America, we would only have Thanksgiving once. But here, in England, we do it twice!! Christy and Matt's party was Friday night.....but Chris' college, Regent's Park, hosted a party Saturday night. It was in 3 single guys' apartment, i.e., not exactly child friendly, but plenty to entertain ourselves with. Luke and Caleb went through EVERY cabinet behind me (and there are many more not shown in the picture). I think everyone in the room was a bit fearful of what might be behind one of those doors. However, nothing incriminating was ever found! After inspecting each cabinet, we looked through a catalog, then we ate, then we ended up outside throwing the baseball.
Abbey and Caleb.
Lots of yummy food......we truly did the American tradition of eating lots this holiday. And all the traditional stuff too----turkey, sweet potatoes, dressing, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie, etc.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It would be interesting to have Thanksgiving in another country. Those cabinets look too tempting to me also. I would have been like Luke and Caleb.... what's inside?