Tuesday 9 April 2013

Niagara Falls & Toronto

 Beautiful rainbows at Niagara Falls.  (Hard to tell in the picture, but the water is FROZEN!!)

It was very windy and very cold!!!

 Caleb at the "Butt Depot."  That kid's got his own sense of humor!!  : )
 Luke eating muscles at a bar in Toronto on the way to the Blue Jays game.  This meal put the final nail in the coffin of that sweatshirt for me!  It was already disgusting looking but the butter drippings put it over the edge!  : )  But, then, what can you say about a shirt that a kid wears literally EVERY DAY for 6 months?!
 At the Blue Jays Rogers Centre Dome (they beat the Cleveland Indians)
 Walking along Lake Ontario
 We made Paul his own bed in the hotel room by pushing two chairs together.
 World's sweetest 3rd grader!
 The boys in front of the CN Tower (Canadian National) and the Rogers Centre

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