Tuesday 22 November 2011

San Francisco---DAY 2

This was my favorite day as I got to not only see cool places but I got to catch up with my sweet friend, Leana. She had the whole day planned for us while Chris was at his conference.

First, we went to the Academy of Sciences for a fascinating morning filled with an albino alligator, butterflies in the rainforest, amazing fish in the aquarium, black matter in the planetarium (which has stirred great conversation between Chris & Luke, the family philosophers), and so much more.

I thought this (above) was a cool sign about the differences between tap and bottled water. In short, drink tap water! Then, (below) are Leana and I goofing off in the gift shop trying to distract Caleb and Luke from the "greedy galloping gimmies!"

Next, Leana took us for a drive. She showed us the Pacific Ocean (Caleb's first time to see it!!). The boys got quite wet (and cold), but they had a blast running around the beach.

Then, she showed us the Golden Gate Bridge (and Caleb fell asleep).

Then, she took us to the Ghirardelli Chocolate Factory which Caleb was happy to wake up for! It was delicious!!!

Then, she drove us down Lombard Street with all its twists and turns.

Then, she showed us Danielle Steel's huge house.

It was truly a PERFECT day---with easy parking, good food & drinks, fun sights to see, and, best of all, lots of great conversation.


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