Sunday 3 August 2008

Some random pics.....

So this isn't the greatest picture in the world, but it really reminds me of one I know I've seen of my 2 brothers and me from probably 25 years ago. Here our little guys are at 7 AM waiting for us to load up the car so we can head for the lake to play with Cousin Reese, Aunt JoAnna, and Uncle Bert. They're eating car-shaped muffins for breakfast, by the way, which are so much fun!!
Playing soccer in the heat. This is a super zoomed up shot---I was really far away in the only shade I could find and still, I was sweating about as much as these handsome fellas.
Caleb enjoyed the soccer almost as much as the Capri Suns. His favorite thing about the Capri Suns, however, was finishing them and throwing them in the trash can.


Anonymous said...

To the author of this blog,I appreciate your effort in this topic.

Anonymous said...

They look so big!! It really has not been that long, guess they grow fast. . . tell them to stop. Luke's hair is so blonde.

Christa said...

They do look big. Caleb especially. I can't believe how much they've grown. Glad you guys are enjoying the heat. :) That's been a suprisingly big adjustment for me.

Anonymous said...

Alabama in the summer is hot.