Friday 15 June 2007

Last day in the Wycliffe creche.....

Ann Croft is in charge of the Wycliffe creche, and she leads a playgroup every Friday morning for Luke, Carter, and 3 other two to three year olds. She has 4 children of her own (now 16-23 years old) and somehow, she still loves hanging out with toddlers!!! Here she is with Luke (who busted up his nose on Wednesday) and Carter. As I was taking this picture, Luke was telling me not to say "Carter" but rather "Cah-tah," like Ann says. Every Friday he goes to creche, and every Friday he corrects my American English by telling me the proper British pronunciation. (ba-nah-nah, Petah and Pohl----Peter and Paul----being my favorite ones)
Caleb and Mason in the creche. It's a shame Ann doesn't have more time to mold these two into the blossoming toddlers their big brothers are.

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