Luke will start nursery school (5 days a week, 2 1/2 hours a day) in mid-September. The school asks that a parent come with the child for one day the term before the child is to start. So, today was our day......
Chris kept Caleb while Luke and I went to school together. They have "free play" for the first 30 minutes or so during which Luke played with the killer whales, humfbacks (as he says), and sharks. He dipped them into a tub-like thing and filled them with water. Once several others got interested in this, he moved on and found the cars and trucks. Another little boy came over and crashed with him for a while, then they both got bored of that. So, Luke started exploring. He discovered the class snail (yes, alive) and the not-alive, stuffed Clifford, the big red dog. He loved the freedom and the wide variety of choices. I just tried to keep my head down so he wouldn't notice me too much and I colored snakes with a cute little girl named Phoebe who taught me much about pink and red striped snakes. (Luke had asked me, in advance, not to play with him. He did not want mom looking over his shoulder, so I did my best in that regard.)
Then, it was circle time. They counted from 1 to 10, then from 10 to 1; they sang a song about the days of the week; and then it was time for a snack. Here is where I noticed an area we need to work on with Luke......they passed around a bowl of strawberries and everyone took one. Luke tried to take THE BOWL from the little girl doing the sharing. Something to work on this summer, for sure....
Next, we went outside and they played for a good hour and a half. Luke spent most of his time with some twin boys taking turns driving a tricycle attached to a trailer. When they got stuck one time, Luke came and got me for help. But as soon as I'd pulled it back upright he reminded me to "play with someone else now, please." I played with Fireman Sacha (our Australian neighbor downstairs) the rest of the time.
Then we went inside for 2 stories and a few songs and it was time to go. The head teacher let Luke pick the song and he chose "The Wheels on the Bus." After that, we walked back home, ate lunch, and he went immediately to sleep. (I can't wait til this is an everyday event!!!!)
It was a lot of fun and definitely solidified in my mind that Luke is absolutely ready to move on to this next phase of his life......we all are! :)