Thursday, 28 November 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!!

The first grade put on an amazing performance in honor of Alex Scott who taught us, "When life give you lemons, make lemonade."  I had heard of Alex's Lemonade stand, but didn't know we were moving to her neighborhood.  She was a girl who died of cancer but before held several lemonade stands to raise money for cancer research.  Her legacy lives on with this adorable musical and, of course, Alex's Lemonade stands all over the country that continue to raise money.

Then, with Thanksgiving break, we hung out, went to the zoo, watched football, ate lots of good food, watched movies, and just enjoyed each other.


Daddy carving the turkey and the boys watching intently

Bubba enjoyed catching every morsel we dropped

The boys enjoyed several toasts with their sparkling cider.

Reese & JoAnna visit AND Grace is baptised

 We had an awesome time with Reese & Aunt JoAnna.  They were troopers watching Paul & Luke's football games in the cold; we walked around downtown to see the Liberty Bell and eat in the Reading Terminal Market; we hung around the house and made lots of rainbow loom bracelets; and we ate an awesome Italian meal at Villa di Roma. We are so glad they could some see us and meet Grace!
 Sweet Grace is changing every day.
 On November 10, Grace was baptised at our church, St. Matthias.
Her godparents are Michael and Helena Tomko.  Poor Helena has shingles so she was obviously not there.
Someday when I wonder why there aren't more family pictures of all of us, I hope I'll remember that it is REALLY HARD and not much fun.  : )  JoAnna was a trooper getting these pics for us.