Tuesday 29 October 2013

Paul sings his own song to Grace

Was there ever a sweeter brother?

Daddy sings U2 to Grace

Grace - week 3 & 4

Wednesday 16 October 2013

Some random of Grace + A Foliage Day at Bushkill Falls

 Waiting at the doctor's for Grace to get checked out (12 days old).
 She loves the vibrating bouncy seat.
 She loves her new stroller.
 We had a fun time walking the trails of Bushkill Falls (2.5 hour drive).  It reminded us of Rivendell (from Lord of the Rings) with all the cool walkways and waterfalls.

Beautiful Grace

This was intended to be a photo but was a video instead.  Love that she was caught with eyes open and smile on!

Thursday 10 October 2013

Grace's first 2 weeks

Caleb & Grace - side by side

Caleb - 6 days old
Grace - 6 days old

Caleb's baby pictures

Everyone keeps saying that Grace looks just like Caleb, so I wanted to have his baby pics available for comparison.  Here's our sweet little Cal the week of his birth so very long ago in 2006.